

GlobEd India: Global Prospects for Higher Studies in Architecture and Allied Fields

GlobEd: Global Prospects for higher education in architecture and allied disciplines is a higher education consultancy cell in RVCA. This initiative aims to inform architecture students about competitive higher education opportunities across the globe. For the past three years, GlobEd has been successfully engaging professors of reputed international universities and bringing them together on a common platform for knowledge exchange.
This year, along with the international conference, a national conference titled “GlobEd India” invited colleges of repute across the country. The event hosted speakers from some of the prestigious universities to enlighten the participants about the availability of various courses, their structures, application processes, scope and future prospects.

Number of Participants: 50
Faculty Incharge: Ar. Hiranmayi Shankavaram, Ar. Ajinkya Kanitkar & Ar. Vidya V